Some interesting spam emails that I have received.
Decoder Improved
Decoder-improved is an open source data transformation extension for BurpSuite that better serves the varying and expanding needs of information security professionals. It includes all of BurpSuite built-in decoder's functionalities while adding more useful features. Additionally, the plugin's functionality is straightforward to extend to accommodate any custom data encoding and decoding needs.
Natas Writeup Full
IntroduceThis is the walkthrough of all Natas CTF challenges from 1 to 34. (34 is still a placeholder as of 07/05/2019).
Natas is a web application CTF game hosted by OverTheWire.
Entrypoint: (login with natas0:natas0)
Docker Expose Ports
Docker for Windows runs in a virtual machine and therefore it needs a little bit more settings to expose the ports of the docker.
Deploy Java Web Maven Project on Remote Tomcat Server
This post shows the way to configure and deploy a JavaWeb Maven project on a remote Tomcat server.